Result | Parts |
Chlorine Gas | Bleach + Vinegar |
Chloramine Gas | Bleach + Ammonia |
Chloroform | Bleach + Rubbing Alcohol |
Parecetic Acid | Hydrogen Peroxide + Vinegar |
Order online & get shipped to your home:
- Blindingly powerful lasers such as 36W Blue Laser Cutter (one would also likely want some kind of battery so as to use this while mobile, perhaps something like a DC 12V 36W battery and some connector/adapter)
- Bees (live): $135 for "3lbs of bees"
- Wasp eggs (search "Trichogramma")
- Ladybugs (live): 1500 for $6
- Termites (live): 100 for $50
- Tannerite: 2lbs for $17
- Animal urine (e.g. deer urine, wolf urine), or just bottle your own
- Radio jammers can inexpensively shutdown entire airports, EMS systems (e.g. military & police radios & cell phones, prevent witnesses from using cell phones to contact EMS), and more. Highly illegal, but easy to find from foreign (e.g. Chinese) internet markets. A criminal or spy might pre-install cell-phone jammers along a get-away route to prevent witnesses from calling the police, and prevent the police from using their radios. Burglars use these to disable wifi doorbells (eg "Ring" doorbells) and similar cameras.
- Drones with firearms or explosives. The Russia-Ukraine War includes both drones dropping gernades, and Kamikaze drones strapped with C4.
- Drones in the US legally must use "FAA Remote ID" to broadcast their serial number and/or other identifying info. So one might want to disable that, spoof it, or import a drone from elsewhere (eg China).
- A small drone can easily carry a small 22 caliber gun with a suppressor to kill someone stealthily, and a brass-catcher to reduce evidence.
- Drones are often used to drop drugs into prison yards from above.
- Crossbows generally penetrate bulletproof-vests.
- The CIA's heart attack gun: Quieter (no explosion), shoots a dart tipped with saxitoxin (derived from shellfish) that causes a heart attack.
- Ideal times for concealing explosions / gunshots:
When there are louder distractions:
- Independence day fireworks
- New years day fireworks
- Thunderstorms
- Perhaps large sports celebrations
- Perhaps Other celebrations / holidays
When there is natural sound dampening:
- When it is snowing. For details see Space & Weather > Snow Sound Dampening.
When there are louder distractions:
- Theft
- List of bank robberies and robberies
- Banks for poor targets because they're fortified, all cash has serial numbers (which the bank likely has recorded), dye-packs, trackers, fake money, etc. Many banks have bait money, which is a stash of cash that is dedicated for robberies/ransoms, and said cash has had its serial numbers pre-recorded for tracing purposes.
- According to the FBI, armored-car-heists have higher rewards than bank-heists.
- Jewelry stores show the items out front and under glass (easy to smash through). Can steal $65-million of jewelery in 2 minutes, and it weights much less, and is easier to walk through customs, or drive around with two $100K watches than with the equivalent in cash. Smash & grab is best with 1 dedicated person having the hammer while others have free hands to grab loot; However each co-criminal is a loose end that can turn on you.
- Trains
- 3D-printed train derailers.
- Train looting
- Train surfing
- Fingerprints
- Cover fingerprints with gloves (e.g. nitrile/latex gloves), possibly also use superglue on your fingertips too in case the gloves break during use. Remember that your palms and other parts of your finger also have identifying prints, and your fingernails contain DNA.
- Koala fingerprints are often mistaken for humans'
- Disguises:
- Fake/temporary tattoos (rumour that these can be easily/quickly removed with packing tape), makeup, wigs, hair dye, fingernail colouring, etc. Get creative. One criminal used an obnoxious neck-tie to distract people from focusing on his face.
- It is easy to gain access to locations simply by wearing a disguise like a clipboard, high-visibility vest, hard-hat, perhaps a ladder.
- Makeup artists can make one look older or younger.
- Wear shoes 1 size larger or smaller than normal.
- Do not bring your cell phone. Do not bring your cell phone. Do not bring your cell phone. Cell phones constantly communicate with cell towers, informing them of exactly where said phone is.
- Licence plates can be read by cameras; Government surveillance cameras, cameras of private businesses, car dashcams, and residential Ring doorbell cameras.
Dirt bikes are ideal get away vehicles because:
- Speed
- Can travel in useful areas, including where police cars cannot, including off-road, sidewalks, & small alleyways.
- Small size allows for easier time hiding it, and provides additional manoeuvrability, including through tight spaces, alleyways
- No registration, title, ownership documentation, and often no serial numbers
- Lower cost allows for easier acquisition and easier disposability
- Turn on the flashing hazard lights to park anywhere.
- A white truck, SUV, van. Perhaps with orange flashing "utility" lights on top. Fake company logo on the side (or a use some legitimate company's logo). Fake 1-800 phone number (or a real one that goes to some other business). Search the web for "Emergency Vehicle Reflective Striping Tailgate Panels", and put them on your vehicle.
- Print a fake paper tag off of the web.
- Sugar or Diesel-exhaust-fluid into gas tanks to cause damage.
- Put controversial bumper stickers on people's cars. Eg MAGA bumper stickers in Portland.
- Methanol fires: The liquid is transparent, the fire is both invisible in the daytime & lacks smoke.
- Corpse disposal:
- Dissolving a Body via Lye (Liquefies bones)
- Hungry hogs will eat entire humans/corpses, but cannot digest hair nor teeth. They'll need time or help to break down the larger bones.
- Bodies stored on the surface decompose faster than those buried underground, but risk being found easier. Animals also more likely to eat it, but search dogs are also more likely to find/smell it.
- Heat accelerates decomposition.
- Satellites can notice when a body-sized patch of dirt has been disturbed. Since said satellites take pictures continuously, this may allow them to determine when it was buried. If burying during the day, then there is a chance that it will take its photo while the body is being buried.
- Consider planting endangered plants above the body to discourage people from digging it up. (digging up endangered plants is illegal, but authorities will likely do it anyway).
- Consider burying a body vertically ("standing up") rather than horizontally ("laying down") to cause the disturbed topsoil to be less suspicious.
- Bones and teeth don't really break down (or if they do, it is extremely slowly). DNA can often be extracted from both. Thus burying a corpse depends on it not being found for the rest of your lifetime
- Dumpsters: The dumpsters of grocery stores are emptied/picked-up more often than dumpsters of residential buildings. Apartments complexes typically share 1+ dumpsters for all tenants, but might have cameras, and are more often visited by tenants.
- International waters
- Laws still apply, specifically the vessel's flag's country's laws. Though crimes commited while on/in international waters would be difficult to prove other than by satelights and/or ship AIS transponders/RACON/RADAR.
- AIS-transponders can spoof their broadcasts to lie to others regarding where the ship is, and who it is. Or AIS-transponders can simply be turned off.
- Ships can change their flag to deceive their identity.
- collects the locations of ships, and displays them on a public website/map.
- Consider that rush hour might slow down police response times. If one were to combining this with distractions on other sides of cities (or just threats thereof), then it'd likely heavily delay police.
- High-powered lasers likely will get police helicopters to leave (as would shooting at them). Perhaps also for police cars during a pursuit.
- During the Swedish Nationalmuseum art robbery, the perpetrators bombed a different part of the city to distract police. Even the threat of one would likely suffice.
- Fleeing / Extradition
- Different countries have different extradition agreements with one another. This is why Edward Snowden fled the US for Hong Kong, & ultimately Russia.
- Note that a lack of extradition treaty does not guarantee that the destination country won't extradite.
For example, List of countries that the US has Extradition Treaties with.
Below is a list of noteworthy countries that LACK an extradition treaty with the US, with either a large percentage of English speakers (shown in parenthises) or a large total quantity of English speakers,but know that major cities (touristy, business, international travel, etc) might be higher than the counties' overall percentage.(if you know a non-English language, then there are many other countries to consider)
- Russia (4%)
- Andorra (22%)
- East Asia
- China Mainland (1%)
- Hong Kong (46%)
- Macau (27%)
Asia South/Central
- Brunei (39%)
- The Maldives ("widely spoken")
- Bangladesh (12%)
- Cambodia (22%)
- Oceania / Islands
- Vanuatu (84%)
- Samoa (50%)
- Solomon Islands (32%)
Middle East
- Morocco (18%)
- Lebanon (40%)
- Israel* (85%) (*Israel does have an extradition treaty with the US, but this is sporadically enforced for those with Israeli citizenship)
- Africa
- Uganda (90%)
- Cameroon (38%)
- Botswana (39%)
- Ethiopia (the major foreign language taught in schools)
- Sudan (Official, taught in schools)
- Anthony Curcio: In 2008, Curcio was responsible for one of the most elaborately planned armored car heists in U.S. history
- Metcalf Sniper Attack: An unsolved "professional job" attack in California that caused $15 million dollars worth of damage. "the most significant incident of domestic terrorism involving the grid that has ever occurred".
- Electrical grid security in the US
- Strategy and tactics of guerrilla warfare
- North Vietnamese guerrillas against the US
- Taliban guerrillas against the US
- Psychological:
- It's legal to set up cameras and speakers on your home to automatically play animal noises whenever your neighbor is outside.
- Slingshot stuff: Frozen grapes, marbles, ice cubes (evidence melts away)
- Disable locked doors with "lockout keys". Add insta-glue/compound-glue to multiply how long it takes a locksmith to undo.
- Communication:
- Steganography
- "Drafting": Communicating via email drafts, where each side logs into the same email account and opens the same email draft.
Related Reading
- The Poor Man's James Bond (Volume 2) - Kurt Saxon
- Steal This Book - Abbie Hoffman
- Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching (3rd Edition) - Various Authors (edited by Dave Foreman)
The Anarchist's Cookbook - The Jolly Roger
- Many of the recipes result in poorly performing results. Research how much success others have had with each recipe which you are interested in.
- Improvised Munitions Handbook - US Army
- Chemical Formulary: A Condensed Collection of Valuable, Timely, Practical Formulae For Making Thousands of Products in All Fields of Industry - D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.