🦑.fun -

Privacy Policy

I'm using the privacy-respecting open-source analytics tool "GoatCounter".
I have the results configured as public, so you can see exactly what it shows me, at https://giantsquidfun.goatcounter.com/.
If you're too lazy / uninterested in going there, then I'll write it out here. It doesn't track individual users, it only shows me aggregate information. It tells me: That's it. It's very basic. It doesn't track you, nor steal your fingerprints, nor sell your soul to advertisers. And I make it public, so I can't even sell anything.
The GoatCounter privacy policy, says exactly what I just wrote, but via more technical jargon.

Opt out

Don't want me to have that info from you?
You can opt out by disabling javascript in your web-browser and hoping that I don't read my HTTP logs, or you can use the TOR browser which blocks the javascript that GoatCounter runs on, and fudges the above details (IP address, user-agent, etc).